Honors College Advising
All Wilkes Honors College students are advised by Wilkes Honors College faculty or staff. During orientation, and each semester prior to advance registration, students meet one-on-one with their advisor to go over their course of study, and advisors are available throughout the semester as well.
On this page you will find a number of links to resources to help you select courses and keep track of your graduation requirements.
Essential links:
FLIGHT PLAN: Students entering Fall 2015 or later | Transfer students
The flight plan is potentially your most valuable guide to your academic program. It can help you ensure that you stay on track and graduate on time while getting the most out of your liberal arts and sciences education. You should review it each semester before advance registration and discuss it with your advisor.
General Education and Graduation requirements: A description of graduation requirements.
Core List
Course schedules: the live online schedule, and a convenient pdf file of the current semester's Honors College courses with their prerequisites and other information.
Concentrations: see our list of Majors (a.k.a. Concentrations) and their requirements.
Forms: Find the form you need to petition, change or declare your major, change advisor, etc.
Tutoring Hours: All tutoring is free and takes place in LB 108C unless otherwise noted in the tutoring schedule.
Florida Atlantic Career Center Advising (in SR 139)
- Information here: http://pj21.bj7dian.com/career/students/
Other useful links:
- AP Credit table
- Awards for students
- Civic Literacy requirement (for students entering Fall 2018 or later)
- Florida Atlantic Academic calendar (includes deadlines for adding/dropping classes, applying to graduate, etc.)
- Florida Atlantic University Catalog
- Final Exam schedule
- Foreign Language advising info
- Math Placement
- Honor Code
- Myfau (to register for courses, check for holds, run a degree audit using DARS, etc.)
- Research with Humans: Institutional Review Board
- Thesis information
- Transfer Equivalency Service (finds Florida Atlantic course equivalents for coursework taken elsewhere)
For more information about your academic program you may contact:
David Flanigan, Director of Academic Support Services, HC 132, 561.799.8622
Dr. Julie Earles, Associate Dean, HC 133, 561.799.8673